Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sorry it has been awhile....

Hello all. We hope this blog finds you all doing well and that God continues to bless you all. We have been BUSY. Keegan is 18 months now and just cute as can be. We are expecting Baby #2 in November. We are very excited. When we ask Keegan if he wants a brother or a sister, he always replies, "brother". We will see come November (we won't be finding out). Keegan has been sick the past couple weeks. It started out with a double ear infection, then he had strep throat and finally, this past time, periorbital cellulitis. What you say! It was a pretty bad eye infection - they think his strep got in his blood and then just settled in the eye. We were in the ER on Mother's Day - but so fortunate that the infection was just in his lid and not behind the eye. If it had progressed to the back of his eye, we could have been dealing with a serious infection that could have affected his brain. He was such a trooper and had to get an IV and get a CT scan. I could not go in there since I am pregnant - poor Chris had to do the honors. They weren't able to get a "great" picture but enough to see that it was not behind the eye. After antibiotics and 3 hours later (we had went to an urgent care clinic - that Doctor sent us to the ER due to the potential severity of the problem - they were waiting for us when we got to the ER - it was fast and we both were appreciative of the care). We have a follow-up tomorrow with his Pediatrician, who has been in Africa during all of this (go figure). Keeping fingers crossed everything is A-okay.
Chris is working hard at Zimmer-Wilson/Phillips. I am still doing contract work - recreation thearpy about 23 hours per week. Looking forward to this summer so I can see my kids during the day and not have to be home at 8 pm, two nights out of the week.

I will do my best to keep this updated - post some pictures! We love you all!
Take care & God bless
The Stinson's